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    The 29th NHK Taiga Drama is Taiheiki. The series was a big deal in Japan, watched by all ages and all over the country. Hiros appearance in this series is the second time, after a small role in Dokuganryu Masamune in 1987. Taiheiki is based on Shihon Taiheiki (part-fiction novel based on the classic literature Taiheiki, literally means peace story) by the prominent popular novelist Yoshikawa Eiji. Hiro plays Takauji from 20 to 54 years old. 太平記是NHK於1991年播出的第29部大河劇。原作是吉川英治的「私本太平記」,全49集,播出期間是1991年1月6日 - 12月8日。本劇是敘述南北朝時代分裂為兩個皇朝的戰亂故事。吉川英治的原作原本是描述鎌倉時代、足利尊氏舉兵到鎌倉幕府滅亡、建武新政、南北朝動亂,最後寫到尊氏之死。但是在本劇後半有關觀應的擾亂等故事,則是吉川原作沒有的創作。